Brand,  Brand Identity

Brainstorm Your Brand: 7 Quick Tips for Creating a Legendary Brand Identity

Fear not, solo and microbusi­ness own­ers, for I am here to guide you on your jour­ney to build­ing a leg­endary brand iden­ti­ty! Just as a super­hero has a unique cos­tume and sym­bol that sets them apart from oth­er super­heroes, your brand should have a pow­er­ful image and iden­ti­ty that stands apart from your com­pe­ti­tion and engages your tribe.

The first step on your jour­ney is to estab­lish a clear mis­sion and val­ues that will serve as the foun­da­tion for all your brand­ing deci­sions. With your mis­sion in mind, iden­ti­fy your tribe and research their needs, wants, and pref­er­ences. This infor­ma­tion will allow you to tai­lor your mes­sag­ing so that it res­onates with your tribe and turns them into rav­ing fans.

Just like a super­hero study­ing their arch-neme­sis, research your com­pe­ti­tion in order to under­stand their strengths and weak­ness­es. Then using your super­hero pow­ers iden­ti­fy oppor­tu­ni­ties to set your­self apart.

Choose a pow­er­ful name and logo that reflects your brand’s iden­ti­ty. Craft a sig­na­ture move that embod­ies your hero per­sona. You may want to con­sid­er work­ing with a pro­fes­sion­al design­er to cre­ate a pro­fes­sion­al-look­ing logo that will make a long-last­ing impression.

Cre­ate a con­sis­tent brand mes­sage com­mu­ni­cat­ing your mis­sion, val­ues, and vision. This mes­sag­ing should be used in all of your mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als and on your web­site, which should be, con­sis­tent with your brand iden­ti­ty and messaging.

Using social media, engage with your tribe, build brand aware­ness, and dri­ve traf­fic to your web­site. Lever­age the pow­er of con­tent mar­ket­ing, such as blog posts, arti­cles, videos, and oth­er types of con­tent to edu­cate and engage your tribe. Also, use email mar­ket­ing to build sol­id rela­tion­ships with your tribe and lend a per­son­al touch.

Pro­vide excel­lent cus­tomer ser­vice to build a rav­ing fan base and pos­i­tive word-of-mouth. Respond prompt­ly to cus­tomer inquiries and resolve any issues quickly.

Always main­tain con­sis­ten­cy in all of your brand­ing efforts, includ­ing your visu­al iden­ti­ty, mes­sag­ing, and tone of voice, just as a super­hero is always con­sis­tent in their hero­ic persona.

By fol­low­ing these steps, solo and microbusi­ness own­ers, you too, can build a strong brand iden­ti­ty that res­onates with your tribe, dif­fer­en­ti­ates you from the com­pe­ti­tion, and cre­ates a rav­ing fan base. Keep refin­ing your brand­ing efforts and always stay true to your mis­sion, and you’ll become a leg­endary hero in your field, area, or niche!

Togeth­er let’s cre­ate some transformation!

For more strate­gies on how to build your brand grab your e‑book today.

Shonda is the Taylor of Taylorberry Designs. She is a certified micro business branding strategist, freelance creative, writer, bestselling author, and mindset mentor for other creatives. Her preferred pronouns are she/her.

One Comment

  • quilt

    Ηі there! This arti­cle could­n’t be writ­ten much better!
    Read­ing through this arti­cle reminds me of my pre­vi­ouѕ roommate!

    He always ҝept talk­ing about thiѕ. I am going to for­ward this arti­cle to him.
    Fɑir­ly cer­tain he’ll have a great read. Thanks for sharing!