Brand Identity,  Brand Voice

Your Secret Weapon: Brand Tone

Undoubt­ed­ly, things move fast in the busi­ness world espe­cial­ly when it’s just you or you and a small team. And, fig­ur­ing out how to stand out from the crowd can seem like climb­ing Mt. Ever­est. But, here’s the good news — you’ve got a secret weapon up your sleeve, a tool more potent than you may ever real­ize… your brand’s tone.

It’s the X‑factor that can help shape how your audi­ence per­ceives you, allow­ing you to stand out, emo­tion­al­ly con­nect with your core audience/tribe, and cre­ate a tru­ly unfor­get­table brand.

The Face of Your Brand

Think of your tone as the face of your brand’s per­son­al­i­ty. As in every­day life, it’s not just about what you say, but how you say it. Con­sis­tent use of a well-defined tone can shape how your core audience/tribe sees your brand.

Are you the smil­ing, friend­ly, and approach­able neigh­bor they want to hang out with? Or the pro­fes­sion­al expert whose advice they seek? Your tone answers these ques­tions for your core audience/tribe, with­out them need­ing to ask.

Think about the solo own­er of a health coach­ing busi­ness who opts for a sup­port­ive, empa­thet­ic, and moti­va­tion­al tone. Her poten­tial clients feel under­stood and inspired, mak­ing them more like­ly to engage with the brand. Com­pare this to a tech micro-busi­ness that uses a con­fi­dent, knowl­edge­able, and edgy tone, this ensures their poten­tial cus­tomers of their exper­tise and reliability.

Watch Your Tone

Be Radically Different

In a world where every­one’s sell­ing some­thing, your tone can be that secret weapon that sets you apart from all the rest. It helps you to carve out a niche for your brand and attract a tribe that res­onates with your vibe.

Pic­ture two local cof­fee shops — one uses a casu­al, fun­ny tone, full of wit­ty remarks and friend­ly ban­ter. The oth­er opts for a sophis­ti­cat­ed, refined tone, empha­siz­ing the qual­i­ty and tra­di­tion of brew­ing cof­fee. Both sell cof­fee, but their tones appeal to an entire­ly dif­fer­ent set of cus­tomers, help­ing each to build a rav­ing fan base.

Creating a Lasting Connection

When your tone aligns with your core audi­ence or tribe, it gen­er­ates a feel­ing of famil­iar­i­ty and trust. Emo­tion­al con­nec­tions are what fos­ter loy­al­ty and peo­ple tend to return to brands that feel like old friends they can rely on

For instance, a solo­pre­neur who oper­ates a busi­ness sell­ing hand­made jew­el­ry might adopt a friend­ly and per­son­al approach. They could share the sto­ries behind each jew­el­ry piece and dis­cuss the cre­ative process involved. This per­son­al touch can estab­lish an emo­tion­al con­nec­tion with cus­tomers, allow­ing them to per­ceive their pur­chase as more than just a prod­uct. Instead, they feel like they are buy­ing a tan­gi­ble rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the arti­san’s pas­sion and story.

Tone is Key to Building an Unforgettable Brand 

Your tone is key to cre­at­ing a strong and mem­o­rable brand iden­ti­ty. It’s not enough to just have a great logo or a catchy slo­gan. How you com­mu­ni­cate with your audi­ence is far more important.

By craft­ing a tone that reflects your brand val­ues and meets your core audience/tribe’s expec­ta­tions, you give them a rea­son to remem­ber your brand. Con­sis­ten­cy is key. A con­sis­tent tone on all plat­forms — web­site con­tent, social media posts, cus­tomer ser­vice inter­ac­tions — makes your brand stand out.

Practical Tips for Finding Your Brand’s Tone

  • Define Your Brand Val­ues: What do you stand for? What promis­es do you make to your cus­tomers? Your tone should con­sis­tent­ly reflect these values.
  • Know Your Audi­ence: Who are they? What do they expect? Tai­lor your tone to res­onate with their pref­er­ences and expectations.
  • Be Authen­tic: Authen­tic­i­ty is key. Your tone should gen­uine­ly reflect your brand’s per­son­al­i­ty. Don’t force a tone that does­n’t feel natural.
  • Be Con­sis­tent: Con­sis­ten­cy is cru­cial in build­ing a strong brand iden­ti­ty. Your tone should be the same across all plat­forms and interactions.
  • Evolve with Feed­back: Pay atten­tion to how your audi­ence responds to your tone. Be open to adjust­ing it based on feed­back and chang­ing mar­ket trends while stay­ing true to your core values.

By tak­ing the time and mak­ing a gen­uine effort to find and con­sis­tent­ly use the appro­pri­ate tone for your brand, you can sig­nif­i­cant­ly enhance its influ­ence and devel­op a deep­er con­nec­tion with your core audience/tribe. It’s essen­tial to keep in mind that it’s not just about the words you choose to use but also how you use them, as that’s what tru­ly makes a last­ing impression.

Togeth­er let’s cre­ate some transformation!

Shonda is the Taylor of Taylorberry Designs. She is a certified micro business branding strategist, freelance creative, writer, bestselling author, and mindset mentor for other creatives. Her preferred pronouns are she/her.